An update of our activities in Tunesia. Strengthening future employability of young professionals in the dairy sector In June, a project funded by NUFFIC was granted to the consortium Aeres TCI, Dairy Delta Academy and Triple Dairy, with the Tunisian partner AVFA...
Zero Setting of the fresh milk market, Southwest Kenya
Bles Dairies has been granted a project in Southwest Kenya to perform a Zero Setting of the fresh milk market and to map out what factors drive farmers to deliver their milk to a milk collecting centre. Southwest Kenya In July, Bles Dairies Senior Consultant Dick...
Official Partner of CNDDD
Bles Dairies is now official partner of the CNDDD, the Center for Nigerian Dutch Dairy Development, which was founded in October 2020 by the University of Abuja and Royal FrieslandCampina. The objective of the Center is to improve dairy production, safety and quality...
Due diligence assignment in Southeast Asia
In 2020, Bles Dairies was given a confidential assignment to bring in its dairy farming expertise in a due diligence for a possible strategic partnership in Southeast Asia. It concerned a large integrated chain with 16,000 dairy cows. This dairy company owns a leading...
Three ways to stream your fresh milk flow from dairy farmer to dairy processor. A service programme designed by Bles Dairies, named “Pure, Sure, Count & Cure”. Its design is based on the Bles Dairies track record in managing and supporting the implementation of...
Opportunities for digital training
Since Covid-19 broke out last year, the world of online training and courses gained momentum. Where two years ago, the consultants of Bles Dairies mainly gave on-farm training or courses in physical classrooms. And, where they travelled from Asia to Africa to Eastern...
Praktijkboerderij Oenkerk boekt progressie met bedrijfscoach Bles Dairies
De Praktijkboerderij werkt sinds mei zij aan zij met Bles Dairies aan het realiseren van een hoger saldo. De kengetallen: melkproductie in kg vet en eiwit per koe per dag, voersaldo per koe per dag en de pregrate zijn de stuurvariabelen van het optimalisatieplan. Hoe...
Bles Dairies has been nominated for the Doing Business in Africa Award!
The top three nominees with the most votes will be invited to pitch their business during the opening ceremony of the Digital Africa Business Days on the 15th of December 2020. Please vote for Bles Dairies! * The Doing Business in Africa Award is brought...
Strategie optimalisatie op Praktijkboerderij Oenkerk
Met ingang van 1 mei is Bles Dairies gestart als bedrijfscoach van Praktijkboerderij Oenkerk. De piketpaaltjes zijn geslagen en de koers naar een hoger saldo is bepaald. Hoog tijd voor een update. Managing director Jurjen Boerrigter van Bles Dairies: “Heldere doelen...
Using the “Semex Solutions” at Bles Dairies Farm to maximize genetic and economic gain
At Bles Dairies Farm, we work with a nice herd of high productive Holstein-Friesian cows. In our breeding strategy we focus on maximum production with long-lasting cows and a minimal replacement rate. Also, we are able to improve the herd’s efficiency by using genomic...
FDOV Vietnam: hoof trimming
Within the FDOV Vietnam project, Bles Dairies Consultancy started three years ago with the training of Vietnamese dairy professionals on the subject of hoof trimming. At that point, the participants were completely unfamiliar with hoof trimming. Today in 2020, they...
Start maize harvest season 2020 Nundoroto – Bles Dairies East Africa
The partnership between Bles Dairies East Africa and Nundoroto continues to strengthen its business operations in agriculture contracting services. A short update of the maize harvesting season 2020: Maize crop was first ready to harvest in Narok Nundoroto has made a...