
Jun 26, 2018

Eye4Dairy, remote focus on results

On a dairy farm many continuous processes are constantly going on. A company with milking cows is always running: milk production, fertility, breeding and feeding. This circle needs control and the generated data on a dairy farm permit this control.
Data is senseless without analysis and explanation. It takes time and knowledge to manage a dairy farm making use of these valuable data. Time and knowledge are not always available though.
Therefore Eye4Dairy imports the produced dairy data from the management program, analyses these data and considers the progress and obstacles. Based on these findings practical advice with the focus on higher results is the valuable feedback, directly applicable in the management of the farm.

This project has ended in 2018, for more information please contact our consultancy department:

Bles Dairies Consultancy
+31 (58) 212 05 41

This project was co-funded by the province of Fryslân and the Cooperative North Netherlands (SNN), Department North.

provinsje fryslan logo
