Within the dairy development projects in Uganda, Bles Dairies, through its consultancy company The Friesian, is helping a local milk processor that is in need of more fresh milk to process. At the moment, it is dry season and difficult to predict when rain will come. Sufficient and 24/7 water supply is important for survival and also key in the process of improving the milk production and quality. Therefore, our specialists are working together with local farmers to improve the water infrastructure.
In Uganda, most farmers have built a dam for water collection, providing the cows with fresh water throughout the year. Unfortunately, most cows need to walk more than 1 km before reaching these drinking spots. Besides, milking normally takes place near the farm buildings: far away from the only drinking spots at the dam! Currently, the cows produce an average of 4 liters milk per day. More water consumption is needed to improve this, but under these dry circumstances that is often a dilemma…
Bles Dairies emphasizes the basic importance of good water infrastructure within the dairy sector. Cow welfare is absolutely important and it also helps upgrading the milk production. Quite a challenge!