Bles Dairies Consultancy in Uganda

Mar 25, 2020

In recent years, substantial investments have been made in Uganda in the construction of modern dairy factories. This increases the demand for a regular supply of good quality milk. This stimulates the entire Ugandan dairy sector. The expectation is that the size of the dairy sector in Uganda will be larger within a few years than in neighbouring Kenya. Bles Dairies Consultancy is currently active in four projects in Uganda of which we would like to give you an update.

Pearl Dairy Development Programme
Firstly, Bles Dairies Consultancy leads the Pearl Dairy Development Programme (DDP). Within this project, Bles Dairies Consultancy supports Pearl Dairy Farms LTD with their goal to get more and higher quality milk. The approach is twofold: train and coach local extension workers and conduct a milk quality audit. The local extension workers consult the farmers in order to increase their farm results. The audit leads to increased awareness regarding milk hygiene, which can be used as a preparation for further quality controls.

Impact Cluster
The second project has recently started under the name Impact Cluster, funded by RVO. The Cluster consists of six parties: Bles Dairies Consultancy, Bles Dairies East Africa, Ante BV, Aeres, Uniform-Agri and Koudijs. By joining forces, more impact is suspected. The project lasts for three years, which makes it possible to build local capacity in order to raise the level of milk production of the farmers. And, at the same time expand the market of the six companies, so that they can sell their products and service.

Tide II
The third project is called The inclusive Dairy Enterprise project II (TIDE II). This is a dairy development project implemented by SNV. TIDE II is a follow-up of TIDE I and emphasizes on having a private sector driven approach to capitalise the commercialisation trend in the dairy sector. More information on this project will follow soon…

Last but not least, Bles Dairies Consultancy is working on the project EARNED. This project aims to develop and introduce blended learning models on dairy farming at nine selected Agricultural TVETs (Vocational Training Schools) in Kenya, Ethiopia and Uganda. Bles Dairies Consultancy is the technical partner in a consortium with WUR, AERES, Van Hall Larenstein and ICRA. The project has a two year lifespan. The e-learning module milk reception is ready, other modules are under construction.